Seminars and Training

We regularly deliver training and seminars in topical issues in the Construction Industry to Contractors, Subcontractors, Clients, Local Authorities and Trade Bodies. The following seminars are examples of those we already provide, however there are others in the pipeline.


Our seminars provide a real and practical insight into current issues, and are designed to engage the participants. 

Commercial Awareness - Getting Paid when Times are Tough

Twenty "bear traps" to avoid in Construction Contracts

Your Rights and Obligations under the Construction Act & The Scheme

The Role of the Contract Administrator under the JCT Suite of Contracts

Coming Soon: Project Bank Accounts (PBAs)

Coming Soon: Dispute Avoidance - Your Choices

Bespoke Training

We are always pleased to accommodate any specific in house training episodes which you feel may benefit your organisation. Please let us know if there are any topics you would like us to consider.

Call now for a free initial consultation in confidence   0333 577 2830

























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